German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce

German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce

AHK London!







Vanessa Pollari

0044 (0)20 7976 4187

16 Buckingham Gate, SW1E 6LB London

The AHK United Kingdom is officially registered as the 'German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce'. It was founded in 1971 and is a business to business organisation of some 750 British and German member firms. The Chamber's commercial services help around 10,000 companies each year start or expand their export activities through providing business contacts, information and advice.

AHKs are closely connected to the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs) in Germany. Together, they support German companies with establishing and extending their business relations to foreign countries. The umbrella organisation of the IHKs is the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), which also coordinates and supports the AHKs. Furthermore, cooperation with various German trade associations strengthens the link between AHKs and business and markets. The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in accordance with a Resolution of the German Parliament.


Three Tasks

AHKs fulfill three main tasks in their locations.  They are:

  1. Official Representative of German Companies
    AHKs are the key player of German foreign business development on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany.  They represent German business interests in their countries and they publicise and promote Germany as a business location.
  2. Membership Organisation
    AHKs are membership organisations for companies actively involved in bilateral business relations.  These members give them the authority needed when interacting with politics, business and government in terms of promoting bilateral business relations.
  3. Service Provider
    Under the brand "DEInternational", AHKs provide some services to companies both from Germany and their host countries in order to support their foreign business activities.

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